The Young Contemporaries project was run as a competition within Chesterfield College’s Art & Design department in 2022. 30 Students entered the competition and were given 8 weeks to create a piece of work around the theme of ‘Stack’.
Students were encouraged to explore this theme however they wished and work in whatever medium they wanted. Mid-way through the project, students were given the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas with a member of the West Studios team.
The winning group exhibited their work at West Studios from 16th May to 20th May 2022.
The winners of the competition were chosen by Joby Parsons, West Studios Lead, and Ines Monteiro, DANCOP In-reach Officer and Artist. The 2022 Young Contemporaries were Casey A, Rebecca D, Freya S, Lauren L, Lucy F, Courtney L, Caitlin W, Jasmin H, Haley S, Mija O.

The project was run and delivered by Joby Parsons, Events and Sales Coordinator and West Studios Lead.
You can find other years Young Contemporaries entries here.